Reign of Queen Ilysia I, Dilemma 2, Resolution
Vote Results posted:
Votes Aye, spends 2 Power (current: 7), gains 0 Coins (current: 11).
Votes Aye, spends 2 Power (current: 5), gains 0 Coins (current: 13).
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 2 Power (current: 7), gains 1 Coins (current: 8).
Votes Pass and gather Power, gains 2 Power (current: 12), gains 1 Coins (current: 12).
Votes Aye, spends 2 Power (current: 7), gains 0 Coins (current: 11).
Vote Outcome posted:
Ironically, the first time the Moderator would be called to decide the's on the first Dilemma without signing rights
Envelope opened: 38
Our first Event card!
During this Dilemma we'll have a few changes to the normal discussion rules: since this is a secret vote, you don't have to post your opinions itt, unless you want to for any reason! This means you can feel free to discuss your options on the Discord channel in secret, then provide me with:
- Your favorite champion to win.
- The amount of Power, if any, that you want to spend supporting him.
- The amount of Coins, if any, that you want to bet.
Since this is a secret vote, we'll still have a 48h window for the vote, but I'll update once I have all the bets, if this happens before the deadline. Also, in case it was unclear from the text, trashing all these cards means that there will be no signing rights on this vote either!
Resources and Stability change:
Chronicle stickers:
No changes.
Reign of Queen Ilysia I, Event: JOUST!

- Foreman/Sitting Councilmember: Phelddagrif (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: Nea
- Treasurer/Navigator: LPFinale

- Sitting Councilmember: scavy131 (also Treasurer)

- High Scholar/Sitting Councilmember: TravelLog (also Treasurer)

- Sitting Councilmember: SporkChan
- Treasurer/Negotiator: Covski


During this Dilemma we'll have a few changes to the normal discussion rules: since this is a secret vote, you don't have to post your opinions itt, unless you want to for any reason! This means you can feel free to discuss your options on the Discord channel in secret, then provide me with:
- Your favorite champion to win.
- The amount of Power, if any, that you want to spend supporting him.
- The amount of Coins, if any, that you want to bet.
Since this is a secret vote, we'll still have a 48h window for the vote, but I'll update once I have all the bets, if this happens before the deadline. Also, in case it was unclear from the text, trashing all these cards means that there will be no signing rights on this vote either!